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disney pixar up cover

A few days ago Disney and Pixar released the movie UP! On DVD and Blu-ray. I love Disney movies. My whole family loves them. I didn’t see UP! in the theater but heard lots of buzz about it. I couldn’t imagine what the big deal was about it. I figured that I’d like it as much as other Disney animated movies but wouldn’t love it. I was mistaken about that, because UP! is not like other Disney movies.

At heart I think UP! is a love story. No, I don’t mean a mushy one, it’s not one the kids will say “yeck” and run from the room during. It’s the story of the promise made to the love of a lifetime mixed in with lots of adventure and happiness and even some sadness. The movie starts with short scenes introducing the main character Carl (Ed Asner) to his wife Ellie. They’re both adventurers at heart who marry and plan to find adventure someday by moving to Paradise Falls in South America. Why Paradise Falls? Because that’s where it’s rumored their favorite adventurer Muntz disappeared to years before. As happens in real life, each time they saved enough money something came up and they couldn’t go on their adventure. Ellie becomes pregnant and loses the baby. The couple remain childless but madly in love until Ellie dies. Carl remains in their house despite the efforts of developers to buy his house. When the time comes that he can no longer remain there he sets out to keep his promise to Ellie and go to Paradise Falls. Folks come to take him to the retirement home and he sets off on his journey – house and all! I couldn’t believe my eyes when the whole house lifted off of the ground, powered by hundreds and hundreds of bright balloons.

disney up house leaving

Early in his journey he discovers he has an unexpected travel partner – a very earnest young adventurer named Russell (Jordan Nagai) who’s just trying to help people to get a badge. Upon landing in South America they encounter Dug, a dog with a talking collar, and Kevin, a giant bird. As it turns out Kevin is the mysterious bird that Carl’s hero Muntz had set on to find. From there it’s every man (and dog and bird) for themself! Will Muntz catch the elusive Kevin? Will Carl and Muntz be friends? Will Dug rejoin the pack? You’ll just have to watch the video to find out. I recommend UP! highly, it’s become one of my favorite Disney movies.

Here’s a bonus clip called Talking Dogs.

Here’s some interesting UP! character facts.

* Up has 330 characters and variants.
* The aviator cap is worn eight times in the movie.


* In Up, Carl Fredricksen’s hometown is Bloomington, PD, which the sharp eye may be able to spot on Carl’s mail. The fictitious location is a nod to director Pete Docter (PD), whose own hometown is Bloomington, Minnesota. The distance from that part of Minnesota to Angel Falls is 3,268 miles.
* Carl Fredricksen’s last name came from relatives of director Pete Docter.
* Carl Fredricksen is so stylized that he’s only three heads high. Most people are about seven heads tall.
* Director Pete Docter animated Carl in the last scene of the film.


* Ellie is named after and voiced by Pete Docter’s daughter, Elizabeth “Elie” Docter. She also drew some of the pictures in the adventure book.


* One of Russell’s merit badges is the Luxo Jr. ball. He also has a badge for 2D Animation, Toe Touching, Knot Tying, and many others.
* Jordan Nagai was 7-years-old when he was cast as Russell.


* Muntz’s jacket is the first time in Pixar history where a cloth garment is made of fur. No CG animals were harmed.


* Dug’s Greek dog pack name was Lambda.
* Dug is voiced by Up’s co-director, Bob Peterson.


* Kevin is 13-feet tall.
* Director Pete Docter voices some of the bird noises for Kevin.
* Pixar created new feather technology just for Kevin, but it’s used three other places as well: Ellie’s parrot, a feather duster, and the feathers on Muntz’s wall.
* Kevin’s design is based on many birds, including an ostrich (legs), cassowary (feather shapes), Monal pheasant (feather iridescence), heron and other large birds (behavior), toucan, quail, and peacock (beak and “dongles” on its head).

disney up house characters


  1. I can’t wait to see this movie! My son is a little bit young to watch and understand it, but that won’t stop me from enjoying. Thanks for the great review of Up.

  2. Best Family movie in a LONG time…and its animated! We all watched this on Thanksgiving night. It is hard for us to find a movie kids of all ages and mom and dad would like. Id like to get a copy, as I missed some of it checking on our Thanksgiving meal prep and cooking. Russel was hilarious in this movie…sad sort of story but I loved this character and his voiceover was great!!!

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